Media Releases
Media Releases
Rebuild of Freedom Station
Work is set to start in March with rebuilding Freedom station, formerly Phoenix, along Omuramba Road in the Joe Slovo area. The site will be cordoned off until construction is complete in early 2026.
Draft Fares Policy Public Participation
The City of Cape Town invites residents and affected stakeholders to comment on the Draft Fares Policy. The City of Cape Town’s Fares Policy for contracted road-based public transport (2015) sets out principles for how the City structures and implements its fares structure for public transport services under its control.
MyCiTi Route 214 Realignment & New Stops PPP
Five new MyCiTi stops are proposed as part of the re-alignment of routes 214a and 214e inTable View in order to provide a more direct service with reduced travel times for passengers. Routes 214a and 214e will be re-aligned to operate in both directions along Dartford Drive and Walworth Road. As a result, both routes will no longer serve the Morningfield and Dartford stops on Parklands Main Road.
MyCiTi construction work heading to Claremont and Kenilworth
The City of Cape Town will commence with the construction work related to the roll-out of the MyCiTi bus service to Claremont within the next four weeks. The contractor will, as from this week, set up their site camp and storage facilities on the corner of Imam Haron (M24) and Chichester Roads. Residents and commuters are advised in advance that the first work will be happening as from March 2025 in the vicinity of Stanhope Road and the Stanhope railway bridge that connects Main Road (M4) with Palmyra Road.
No more MyCiTi buses on the uphill at Hospital Bend
The City of Cape Town has assessed the impact of slow moving MyCiTi buses on the N2 inbound at Hospital Bend, and investigated several route deviations in recent weeks. As such, we want to inform commuters that the MyCiTi buses traveling towards the Civic Centre station will follow a new route as from Monday morning, 27 January 2025, to avoid Hospital Bend.
Festive Season Services 2024
With the festive season fast approaching, MyCiTi wants to help you enjoy the holiday and get you to where you need to be safely.
MyCiTi phishing scam alert
The City of Cape Town would like to alert members of the public to a social media post that is falsely offering free MyCiTi travel as well as discounted MyCiTi bus cards. Residents are urged not to interact with the post and to report it to your social media platform as fraudulent activity or false advertising.
Service improvements coming to Khayelitsha, Atlantis and Table View
We are excited to announce improvements to routes and services in Table View, Khayelitsha and Atlantis on 9 November 2024.
Price increase for card expiry replacement
The cost to replace an expiring or expired myconnect card will increase from R22 to R30 with effect from 1 October 2024
Reduced fares from 1 October 2024
There will be some relief for passengers from 1 October 2024 when MyCiTi fares will decrease in response to sustained decreases in the cost of fuel.