MyCiTi Rules
Help ensure a safe, reliable service for all passengers. By entering a MyCiTi premises, you are bound by the MyCiTi Rules.
Summary of MyCiTi Rules
1 A valid ticket (myconnect card) is your only access to MyCiTi buses and premises.
2 MyCiTi officials are empowered to inspect the tickets of passengers.
3 Each passenger needs their own myconnect card loaded with money and/or Mover points to travel except children under 1 metre tall and younger than 4 years, who travel free of charge.
4 You may not travel if you are under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substance.
5 Drugs, smoking, eating, drinking, chewing gum and littering are strictly prohibited on MyCiTi buses and within MyCiTi premises.
6 It is illegal to tamper with any equipment or damage or vandalise MyCiTi vehicles or premises.
7 Passengers may only board a MyCiTi vehicle at designated stations and stops, unless otherwise instructed by an authorised official.
8 Passengers may not board a MyCiTi vehicle that is at full capacity or which is out of service, unless otherwise instructed by an authorised official.
9 Reasonable instructions issued by MyCiTi officials must be obeyed and observed.
10 Passengers may travel by standing in a MyCiTi vehicle only when holding onto a hand rail, hand strap or seat back.
11 You may travel with items provided you do not require assistance getting them into MyCiTi buses or premises, and provided that the items do not inconvenience or cause discomfort to fellow passengers.
12 The possession of dangerous items or materials on MyCiTi buses and premises is strictly prohibited.
13 Do not leave your possessions unattended.
14 You may not interfere with other persons or their possessions on MyCiTi buses or premises without their explicit consent.
15 Users with medical conditions that require animal assistance (such as those with visual impairment) are permitted to bring trained assistive animals (such as guide dogs) onto MyCiTi vehicles and premises.
An “authorised official” means an employee of the City of Cape Town’s Transport Directorate or any of its agents and City Law Enforcement, Traffic or Metro Police Officers.
A person contravening the Control of Access to Public Premises and Vehicles Act (including any Condition of Use) may be given a fi ne of up to R2 000 or two years imprisonment. A person contravening the National Land Transport Act (Section 90) may be fi ned up to R10 000. In addition fare evaders may be charged a penalty fare of up to R427