Media Releases

Fare changes and new products from 1 July 2017


On 1 July every year, there are changes to the MyCiTi tariffs, as part of the City of Cape Town’s annual budget. New travel products are also introduced to provide the best possible service.

Make the switch to public transport


The City of Cape Town has launched a “Drive Less, Live More” campaign to highlight the negative impact of growing traffic congestion in our city. Spending hours in traffic not only affects the quality of life of families and individuals but also affects the economy. If you haven’t done, now is the time to switch to public transport, a MyCiTi bus if you are within the areas served by this convenient bus service. The only solution to peak-hour congestion is to have fewer cars on the road.

Celebrate Youth Day with MyCiTi


What better way to enjoy a long weekend in the middle of winter than hopping on a MyCiTi bus and exploring the city. This year June 16 falls on a Friday. While the focus is on the role and contribution of young people to society, Youth Day is also a day for parents to spend with their youngsters. From vibrant markets to cosy restaurants, a ballet concert, art exhibition or a breezy walk along the beachfront, there’s so much to do and see.

MyCiTi service operates again


The City of Cape Town wants to inform all commuters that the MyCiTi service operates again from Saturday 15 April 2017.

MyCiTi service remains suspended as national strike action continues


The City of Cape Town wants to inform all commuters that the MyCiTi service remains suspended until further notice. Commuters with a Monthly Pass should please note that we will extend the monthly packages for the time equal to the duration of the national bus drivers’ strike.

MyCiTi service suspended as from Wednesday morning due to national strike action


A nationwide strike affecting the entire South African bus industry will take effect as from midnight on Wednesday 12 April 2017, until further notice.

Go places with MyCiTi’s new OPT packages


Enjoy the best of Cape Town with MyCiTi’s new off-peak travel (OPT) packages.

Going places with MyCiTi


MyCiTi stations were filled to capacity on Sunday 19 March when thousands of passengers from all over Cape Town took advantage of free services to experience the convenience of a MyCiTi bus and visit the many things to do along the routes. Many took trains, minibus taxis and other buses to get to their nearest MyCiTi station or stop, experiencing first-hand the network effect of linking the various modes of public transport. Some people waited from early in the morning for the first bus to make the most of the free-ride day.

MyCiTi control centre to track all MyCiTi buses within next few weeks


The City’s Transport and Urban Development Authority has made good progress with the reinstatement of the Advanced Public Transport Management System which will enable the MyCiTi Control Centre to track and monitor the MyCiTi buses on the 40 MyCiTi routes across Cape Town

Travel free with MyCiTi on Sunday 19 March 2017


On Sunday, 19 March all MyCiTi services will be free for the day, providing an ideal opportunity to try out the service.