Help us plan your bus stops
Help us plan your bus stops
This public commend period for this process has ended.
The public are invited to help determine the safest and most convenient bus stop locations along direct routes that are planned as part of the next phase of MyCiTi services. Phase 2A will link Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain in the metro south-east via Govan Mbeki Road with Wynberg and Claremont.
Detailed design and construction is underway for the approved routes and stations, following extensive public participation in 2015.
Now we need help determining the best locations to place bus stops in areas that will be served by direct routes. Direct routes will transport residents from their neighbourhoods to popular destinations, without needing to change buses along the way.
Residents in areas with direct routes and who will be future users of services are invited to help identify locations that are safe and convenient for the majority of residents to get around and access local destinations including shops, clinics, schools, recreational facilities and places of worship.

MyCiTi Phase 2A Maps
The maps below show planned routes and services for Phase 2A, including the proposed stops for comment.
View the PDF or interactive version of the system map or view local area map PDFs for more detail within each area.
The public is invited to comment specifically on proposed kerbside stops that appear along direct routes. Each of these stops has a unique code and is marked in orange on all PDF maps below. Use the unique code to identify a stop when you submit a comment.
Local area routes are also planned for operation by existing public transport providers in each area, but have yet to be finalised.
System Maps
Phase 2A PDF
Phase 2A Interactive Map
Detailed Area Map PDFs
Hanover Park
Hout Bay
Mitchells Plain
10 OCTOBER 2022 - 30 NOVEMBER 2022
All comments received by the closing date will be considered in determining the final stop locations.
Join us at an open day
Find out more, view large printed maps, speak to members of the MyCiTi team and comment on stops proposed.
View a list of public information days
Comment online
View the Phase 2A map or a detailed area map above and note the unique code of the proposed stop that you would like to comment on.
Send an email
Download a form here, complete it and then email it to
Submit a written comment
Hand in your written comments at one of the affected Subcouncils.
Look out for our team in your area
MyCiTi ambassadors will visit residences in some areas to obtain their feedback.
Need help?
If you cannot read or write, have a disability or are otherwise unable to submit written comments, call 021 400 9809 or email