Wynberg Staging Facility
Area affected: Wynberg
Start date: February 2025
Planned end date: December 2026
What's Planned?
A bus holding facility serving future MyCiTi routes is planned for construction off Wetton Road in Wynberg. The public are now invited to comment on the concept design.
The new facility will be used to accommodate buses between the morning and evening peak periods when Phase 2A of MyCiTi starts operating. Phase 2A of MyCiTi will connect Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain with Claremont and Wynberg with direct, quality, safe and affordable public transport.
The facility is planned to be operational by December 2026, accommodating 145 MyCiTi buses and with a maximum capacity of 200 buses. It will consist of a fenced parking area for the buses and a security kiosk with a signalised entrance to the facility off Wetton Road. It also includes the construction of a building to serve as a rest area for drivers and during shift changes, as well as for toilets and a kitchenette.
The plan also makes provision for a small depot in 2052 to house a portion of the fleet overnight, with on-site washing, fuelling and maintenance facilities.
The site is located on City-owned land that has limited potential for development due to contamination from previously being used as a construction dump site. The facility will be located on a small portion of land identified as suitable for construction, and the remaining land will be fenced and surfaced for buses.
Construction will not interfere with access to the neighbouring Bonnytoun informal settlement and will avoid a small section of degraded wetland adjacent to the M5. While the site is currently screened from the also help M5, additional landscaping work will also help limit the visual impact of the facility.
The concept design also considers future planning needs, including an off-ramp from the M5 as well as broader plans to develop the Wynberg Sports Precinct.
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