Trains, Taxis & Other Transport
Connect with other transport modes and transfer to MyCiTi for the rest of your journey
Cape Town has an extensive network of suburban rail services. There are easy connections between MyCiTi and Metrorail routes at the following places: MyCiTi stops and stations at Civic Centre and Adderley Street in the central city (Cape Town rail station), Woodstock on T01 Wood - Table View - Civic Centre - Waterfront (Woodstock rail station) and on 102 Salt River - Walmer Estate - Civic Centre, which ends at Salt River rail station.
Call 0800 65 64 63 for information on train routes, fares and schedules.

These taxis are in common use in Cape Town, operating unscheduled services to almost every part of the city. Hail a minibus taxi from the kerbside. In many areas, there are large ranks servicing many routes. Fares are charged according to distance travelled. In central Cape Town the main rank is to be found on the upper deck of the main rail station, with an easy connection to and from the MyCiTi Civic Centre station.
Metered Taxi
Metered taxi services of varying quality are available from ranks in the central city. Most taxi companies have call centres and you can arrange for a metered taxi to collect you from anywhere, including a MyCiTi station. Expect to pay about R10 a kilometre.

Cycle Paths
MyCiTi is an integrated public transport system, which encourages walking and cycling. A system of cycle paths and user-friendly pavements are designed to assist people to reach MyCiTi stops and stations. Upgraded pedestrian crossings, with audible signals for the hearing impaired, improve safety for walkers, while cyclists are permitted to take their bicycles on the buses.
Other Bus Services
There are other bus services operating around Cape Town, mostly notably the Golden Arrow service. Find the main terminus in Strand Street, Cape Town, or catch the buses from stops around the city. Call 0800 65 64 63 for information on bus routes, fares and schedules.

Dial-a-Ride is a dedicated kerb-to-kerb service for people with disabilities who are unable to access mainstream public transport services.
Currently, Dial-a-Ride transports 350 regular users and 2 270 passengers on an ad hoc basis. The services are integrated with that of MyCiTi which is also capable of accommodating passengers in wheelchairs.